1. From the "History Palette"
select the snapshot named "Lesson3" |
From the "Layers Palette" make just the "rectangle" layer active and
visible: [Option+Click
Eye] to
the left of "rectangle" layer. |
3. Create and "group"
a RED color layer with the "rectangle" layer:
Create a new (empty) layer above "rectangle" layer and name it "red"
b) Fill empty layer with a RED color: make
foreground color RED [R=255
G=0 B=0] then [Option+delete]
c) Group "red" layer with "rectangle" layer: Menu:
>Layer>Group With Previous Layer
{notice how red layer is full but image has shape of layer "grouped"
d) make Grouped Layer 50% transparent:
type 50 in Opacity box at top of "Layers Palette" |
4. Create and "group" a GREEN
[R=0 G=255
B=0] color layer
with the "circle" layer:
{Repeat same
as "red" above except in step 3a name the layer "green"} |
5. Create and
"group" a BLUE
[R=0 G=0 B=255]
color layer with the
"triangle" layer: |
same as "red" above except in step 3a name the layer "blue"} |
6. Make all layers visible, show "History
Palette" then create and name a New Snapshot "Lesson5"
7. In the "History Palette", switch
between snapshots "Lessons2 & 5" and view "Layers"
Windows in "Lesson5" looks similar to those from "Lesson2" but we
did not have to cut shapes
- File size of "Lesson5" is smaller than "Lesson2" (view in status
- Dynamic advantage of Grouping layers:
1. Change
the image state to "snapshot lesson 5":
... a) "make just the "red" &"rectangle" visible
with the "rectangle" layer active
... b) Use eraser tool on "rectangle" and watch "red"
layer shape change dynamically
2. Change the image state to "snapshot lesson 2"
... a) "make just the "red" &"rectangle" visible with the "rectangle"
layer active
... b) Use eraser tool on "rectangle" and notice the
"red" layer shape remains unchanged |