Advance Digital Image Enhancement Method
A.D.I.E.M. - The Method for editing digital images in Photoshop
Keystrokes are for Adobe Photoshop in Macintosh... for Windows keystrokes Click here
Create the Digital Master file:
  a) Open file (crop for final composition if necessary)
b) Clean image with "Rubber Stamp" tool …remove: dust, scratches; unwanted elements; etc.
c) Save as TIF file ("filename_DM.TIF")… this is your Digital Master file! (the master negative)

Sharpen overall image prior to printing - amount of sharpening depends on final print size
Creating the Enhanced Master file:
1. Optimize image tonal range using "Levels" Adjustment Layer:
Menu: Layers>New Adjustment Layers>Levels...
2. Choose an area of the photo to be enhanced and create a layer mask
  a) Select an area slightly greater than needed using the rectangle marquee tool.
b) Create and name a new working layer of this selection…[Ctrl+Alt+J]
c) Make "visible" and "active" only the newly created layer ...[Alt+click eye] of target layer
d) Select desired area using the appropriate selection tool
If necessary, use Quick Mask mode to fine tuning selection [see procedure below]
e) Add a layer mask of selection: [click+"Add layer mask"] icon
>>> Make all layers "visible" and newly created layer "active"...[Alt+click eye] of target layer
3. Enhance layer using blend mode or "grouped" Adjustment Layer(s) [see procedure below]
  ... {Repeat from step 2 for each area of photo needing enhancement}
4. Soften edges of masks as needed [see procedure below]
5. Save Photoshop file ("filename_EM.PSD") …this is your Enhanced Master file!

Fine Tune Mask: [Using Quick Mask]
[Reset "Foreground and Background color" by pressing "D" on the keyboard]
1. Press "Q" to enter Quick Mask
2. Use the "Paint Brush" tool to refine mask area:
  - black "blocks" and white "clears" the mask area; "X" toggles between black and white
3. Press "Q" to exit "Quick Mask" and return to "Standard" (marching ants)
  { the "Zoom" tool and "Brush" keystroke Ctrl are very helpful here }

Create a Grouped Adjustment Layer:
1. Create and name a new Adjustment Layer: [Ctrl+click the New Layer Icon]
2. Select the "Type" of Adjustment Layer and check "Grouped with the Previous Layer"
3. Make adjustments as needed
  Grouping Adjustment Layers to target layer, allows unlimited adjustments and the Alt to re-edit Layer Mask while still maintaining "grouped" Adjustments. Multiple Grouped Adjustment Layers are allowed

Soften Edges of Mask:
1. Using the "Blur More" filter: Menu: >Filter >Blur >Blur More
...{press the [Ctrl + F] to repeat "Blur More" filter as desired}
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Last Updated: 2/13/02