The Studio Forum

Questions Raised and now ANSWERED!

Note: Some referenced links are only available to Studio Forum Members

Lanczos Formula ! [Click Here]
Ctrl+Shift+H [Click Here]
Digital Image Workflow:
Martin Evening's PDF book of Lightroom 1.1 update [Click Here]
The Studio Forum's Lightroom Environment [Click Here]
The New Adobe Digital Image Workflow - “From Ingesting to Output" [Click Here]
Calibrating YOUR Digital Camera [Click Here]
Videos: Shown at Studio Forum 09/19/07 > Click Here to go to Video Downloads
Lightroom's [Develop>Detail] - George Jardine's in depth discussion of sharpening in Lightroom
Lightroom [Develop>Detail]- Matt K explains the "Sharpen" sliders in the "Detail" panel
Lightroom [Develop>Basic>Clarity]Matt K presents an enlightening description of the Clarity slider
Last Updated: 11/27/07


The ANSWERS... "Lanczos Formula"
Note: Some referenced links are only available to Studio Forum Members
Answer: = Lanczos Formula !
Questions: = What kind of interpolations does Lightroom use when resampling up?
The word is that it is a better than the interpolation used is Photoshop! We'll just have to test that out! Here are a couple of interesting links...
- Overview from Matt K[Click here]
- Interactive visual difference of all types of compression - really cool link![Click here]
- And how "convoluted" is this Lanczos resampling? To see the formula... [Click here]
...Now you REALLY know!
I took advantage of this by using Lightroom to Export varied 3x4 crops of my camera RAW files to the same file resolution [3600x2700]. Lets talk about this the next Forum.

The ANSWERS... "Ctrl+Shift+H"
Note: Some referenced links are only available to Studio Forum Members
Answer: = Ctrl+Shift+H
Questions: = What keyboard shortcut "Hides" the Crop guides in the LR's Develop module?
When using Lightroom's Crop Tool, pressing "O" toggles between different composition guides.

<<< Pressing Ctrl+Shift+H toggles the guides on and off.