learned an untruth. Welcome to the real world
of 12% gray:
A recent discussion on one of the digital camera
sites caught my attention. Basically, someone
had shot a picture of a gray card, and then remarked
that his meter must be off, since the histogram
that the camera generated showed the peak of values
to the left of center. This reminded me that we've
all been brainwashed into believing something
that isn't true: light meters don't measure 18%
gray. Let me elaborate. But first, let me state
that the 18% myth is so ingrained in the photography
world that virtually everyone just parrots the
party line. This includes Nikon USA, who will
tell you that their camera meters are calibrated
to 18% gray (talk to the Nikon Japan camera engineers,
and you get a different story, as they'll respond
"yes" when you ask if the Nikon meters are calibrated
to ANSI standards; and yes, I had the chance to
ask them a few years ago when I was in Japan).

meters are calibrated at the factory using ANSI
standards. The standard has always been for a
luminance value that is roughly equivalent to
the reflectance of 12% gray.

...everyone I talk to seems to point to Ansel
Adams. Bob's book even quotes a Kodak veteran
who says that Adams was so vehement about the
issue, that he apparently spent a "whole day and
most of a night" at Kodak arguing for 18% gray.
Still, no one I talk to at Kodak can tell me why
Adams wanted 18%...