Conditions For Monitors
Besides the obvious brightness of your "Print Viewing Light"
(PVL), your monitor brightness (MB) and the brightness of
the "Ambient Production Light" (APL- the light where you
view your monitor), all "3-Lights" effect how your final
print will look. If your "Monitor Brightness" or your "Print
Viewing Light" is too bright -your print may look dark in
normal lighting environment. If your "Ambient Production
Light" it too bright, it will effect the image on your monitor
and falsely influence any fine adjustments to highlight
and shadow detail.
(In descending
order of importance are the PVL, the MB and the APL. Some
may argue that the monitor is the most important but matching
"print to monitor" and "the ultimate print hanging light"
are most influenced by the PVL.) The values
of these "3-Lights" may vary in every personal situation,
however there is a target range for each and they all should
be kept constant. If kept constant over a period of time,
you can determine if change in any of the "3-Lights" is