A.D.I.E.M. ©
Bob DiNatale
Activity: TheWall... [ Practicing "The Method" ]
Lesson 1: "The Method"...Optimize the image
Keystrokes are for Macintosh... for lesson with Windows keystrokes Click here
File Needed: [TheWall.TIF]


Open "TheWall.TIF" image and apply "The Method":
1. Optimize Image... create Digital Master file:

Crop image (from the upper right corner) to an 8x10 ratio
- Remove unwanted parts of the image:
  Remove the shadow from the wall at right edge of image:
a) Use the "rubber stamp" tool
Remove the "ST" text at the left edge of image from the wall:
a) select and area below the "ST" and copy it to an new layer
b) then move it with the move tool to cover the "ST"
c) "Flatten Image"
(clean with the "rubber stamp" if needed)
Remove the tree branch from top border:
... using the "rubber stamp" and "Polygon" tools,
a) select the area to be worked on and copy it to an new layer [Command+J]
b) use the "rubber stamp" tool to obliterate the branches below the molding
c) select an area of the molding to the left of the branches and copy it to an new layer
d) move and align it with the move tool to cover the branches
e) "Flatten Image" (clean with the "rubber stamp" if needed)
- Save as TIF file "TheWall_DM.TIF and continue with Lesson 2.

A.D.I.E.M. ©
Bob DiNatale
Activity: TheWall... [ Practicing "The Method" ]
Lesson 2 Applying "The Method" [ Steps 2 through 9 of "The Method" ]



File Needed: [Clouds.jpg]

...CONTINUING from Lesson 2
2. Open the Digital Master tif file:
- Optimize image using
"Levels Adjusting Layer: Menu: Layers>New Adjust Layer>Levels
Using "The Method:Enhanced Master" continue to adjust "
the wall" accordingly:

  a) Lighten the archway door
    [Hint: make a new layer w/mask, set blend mode to "Screen" then adjust layer opacity]
  b) Add "green to wings" above door
    [Hint: select "wings" and add "Color Balance" Adjustment Layer]
  c) Add coral color to side panels and section over door
    [Hint: with rectangle tool make multiple selection of each panel (left, right and top) and create a make a new layer via copy; using the polygon tool, add selections of each panel then subtract inner sections of left and right panels. Use "Hue/Saturation" Adjustment Layer and check "colorize" box]
  d) Tint wall cream color
    [Hint: select wall with multiple magic wand selections. Some of the "panels" and "wings" will also be selected. Subtract the "wings" and "panel" from the selections by [Option+click} their layer masks. Switch to Quick Mask Mode and clean up with brush. Use "Adjustment Layer" to colorize]
Advance if you dare:
3. Add cloud reflection to left top window:
  a) make selection of "left" window area
b) open "Clouds.JPG" file then "Select All" clouds and copy to clipboard:
[Command+A] ; [Command+C]
c) Return to "TheWall_DM.psd" file then place clouds inside window:
    - Menu:>Edit >Paste Into ...Notice Layer Mask has NO Lock!

d) Move clouds to get desired area behind window
e) Change "opacity" of "cloud layer" as desired - Name layer as "clouds in window"

4. Remove cobwebs around green wings with rubber stamp and protective selection
  [Hint: Select the "green wing" shape by [Option+click] wings layer masks. Inverse the selection - this protects the green wings. Then rubber stamp section of wall area near wings and obliterate the cobwebs without worrying about over-stamping green wings.]
5. Save file as "TheWall_EM.PSD" [EM= Enhance Master... re-editable file]
6. Flatten layers and Save as "TheWall_EM.TIF" ...file for distribution.
Last Updated: 2/12/02