Digital Image
Enhancement Method
Bob DiNatale
Optimum Print Resolution of YOUR System:
There are two tests that will determine the optimum print resolution of
YOUR imaging / printing system. One tests for your Scanner (print
or film) and the other for your Digital Camera.
You will do a series
of scans, and/or Digital Camera exposures, at various resolutions and then
print them using Photoshop. You will then view the prints to empirically
determine your system optimum print resolution.* |
choice of subject for each test is important:
For the "Scan Test" choose a photo that is typical of your
work. I use a portion of Kodak's Q-60 Color Input Target. (left photo)
For the "Digital Camera Test" choose a scene that is typical of your
photography. Make sure to include some signage or text to help in
the evaluation. (right photo) |
is helpful to have others chose "the best" print from the series.
While working on new films and emulsions at Polaroid, it was interesting
to observe how "the best" result was chosen. Print tests were
posted by the cafeteria and as the employees walked by they would chose
"their best" print. The reasoning was that the employees were
more typical viewers than the
and the results would
not be biased
by any expected results. |