[ version 3.3 ]
The A.D.I.E.M "Calculator" is in a "TIFF" file format
and has:
-3 Grayscales - each has 11 steps with brightness values in
both "percent" and "8 bit" number value.
the bottom grayscale steps range from 0% to 100% in 10%
> the left grayscale steps range from 20% to 0% in
2% increments
> the right grayscale steps range from 100% to 80%
in 2% increments |
- a mid-tone
gray background (SH0S/0B50%;
- a center color "cube" has 60 "color blocks"
that change in 05 units on the RGB color axis.
- 3 Info boxes: Dmin; Dmax; Mid-gray and RGB\Adjusted
- 3 Photoshop "Color Sample" targets at the 20%, 50%
and 90% steps. |
- the left grayscale is used to determine where black
occurs; the right grayscale to determine where white
occurs. Entering these values in Photoshop's "Levels"
function will open up your shadow detail while maintaining your
- the center Cube's
60 small "color blocks" are used to determine the
color cast of your print. Adjusting for the "gray-block"
using Photoshop's "Curves" function will remove the color cast
in your prints.
the primary use of the A.D.I.E.M "Calculator" is for adjusting
"color balance" and "exposure", you'll
soon realize it's many uses to determine "your personal"
color toning and digital image effects.
(e.g. use to determine RGB curve
values to simulate Quadtone in RGB Mode; use as "control
strip" to evaluate "proof-prints")
- The A.D.I.E.M "Calculator" will produce a 4x5" print
when printed at 200 PPI. This allows 4 tests to be done on 1-
8x10" piece of paper.
- The left and right 2% increment grayscales are to evaluate
subtle changes in shadows and highlights.
- The gray scales bleed the left, bottom and right edges of
the calculator so when APC is trimmed they can be compared to
"adjusted" prints.
- Mid-tone background is to aid with on screen color adjustment
and overall color cast of the print.
- Mid-tone background is easily selected with the "Magic
Wand" tool to be used in test prints.
- The center cube's individual "color blocks" are
sized to be viewed thru hole punched in a gray card.
- Notation boxes to enter "Dmax", "Dmin"
and "gamma" (50% step in bottom scale) values
- 3 PS "Color Sample" targets at the 20%, 50% and 90% steps
to adjust color shifts with PS Curves.. |